(213 episodes)
1956-63 NBC; 1963-65 ABC Daytime
(Bill Cullen, 7 episodes)
-(1956) Frisko vs. Wright vs. Elchin vs. Brown (Bill plugs Twenty-One) [GSN]
-(5/31/1957) Strange looking car won by new champion Mr. Michael [KIN-OC]
1965-63 NBC; 1963-64 ABC Nighttime
-(1958) Debaun vs. Jones
vs. Armando vs. Campbell (an airplane is won) [GSN]
-(1963) Milke vs. Ritner vs. Ramsey vs. Tattrie (Bill forgets to introduce the contestants;
all-time champ Mrs. Milke is defeated) [GSN]
-(1963) Charles vs. Arlene vs. Paul vs. Marilyn (last NBC episode, originally
aired in color, Don Pardo appears) [KIN-OC]
-(1964) Roddy McDowall vs. Haas vs. Abng vs. Bodner
($10,000 ring is won) [GSN]
-(1964) Audrey Meadows vs. Burnette vs. Gosser vs. Russell [GSN]
Griffin, 1 episode)
-(1959) Milligan vs. Langwood vs. Zale vs. Shanks [GSN]
(Arlene Francis, 1 episode)
-(1961) Patrick vs. Talman
vs. Kaplan vs. Stileman (Arlene subs for Bill!!) [GSN]
1972-2007; CBS Daytime
(Bob Barker, 100 episodes)
-(9/4/1972) Any Number, Bonus Game, Double Prices (premiere) [OC]
-(9/5/1972) Grocery Game, Bullseye I, Double Prices (Bullseye I is lost by three
dollars! second episode) [GSN]
-(9/6/1972) 3rd episode; Grocery Game, Bullseye I, Double Prices [SM]
-(9/7/1972) 4th episode; Any Number, Bonus Game, Double Prices [SM]
-(9/8/1972) 5th episode; Grocery Game, Bullseye I (lost by $1), Double Prices (Boo-Boo Cooper episode)
-(1972) Grocery Game, 5 Price Tags, Double Prices (with terrible camera work!) [CBS Repeat]
-(9/1972) Any Number, Bonus Game, Clock Game (1st perfect show
ever) [GSN]
-(9/28/1972) Grocery Game, Double Bullseye, Double Prices (and contrary
to what's been known it's been discovered that this is not the first and only playing) [GSN]
-(11/1972) 5 Price Tags, Grocery Game, Double Prices [GSN]
Grocery Game, Money Game, Range Game (Premiere of Range Game) [GSN]
5 Price Tags, Hi-Lo, Clock Game (This may be the last ep. to use the title “The ‘New’ Price Is Right”)
-(1973) Hi-Lo, Double Digits, Range Game [GSN]
-(9/1973) Lucky 7, Mystery Price, Most Expensive [GSN]
-(1/1974) Hi-Lo, 5 Price Tags, Clock Game (the two contestants in the showcase are best friends) [GSN]
-(3/8/1974) Temptation, Hi-Lo, Clock Game (Bert Convy promotes 'Tattletales') [GSN]
-(4/1974) Any Number, Bonus Game, Double Prices [GSN]
-(4/1974) Hi-Lo, Money Game, Most Expensive (Double Showcase Winner!) [GSN]
-(9/1974) Any Number, Hi-Lo, Race Game (Double Showcase Winner!) [GSN]
-(11/15/1974) Lucky 7, Shell Game, Race Game (Bob uses a stopwatch in the Race Game) [GSN]
-(11/1974) Clock Game, Five Price Tags, Range Game (Thanksgiving ep.) [GSN]
-(1/1975) Range Game, Grocery Game, Money Game (Bob tells a page never to
stop a woman from kissing him, Bob forgets to call Johnny to announce the Grocery Game items) [GSN]
-(1975) Hi-Lo, Any Number, Double Prices (Has Do It Yourself showcase)
-(3/1975) Money Game, Give or Keep, Race Game (Bob wonders what a wok is) [GSN]
-(4/1975) Card Game, Grocery Game, Race Game (contestant calls Bob, “Bob Baker”, has a May
15th showcase) [GSN]
-(5/1975) Clock Game, Grocery Game, Card Game (Double Showcase Winner!) [GSN]
-(5/23/1975) Clock Game, Give or Keep, Any Number [CBS Repeat]
-(8/1975) 5 Price Tags, Range Game, Race Game (Double Showcase Winner!) [GSN]
-(12/24/1975) Temptation, Clock Game, Grocery Game, 10 Chances, Give or Keep, Range Game
(Christmas; WIN-TV) [GSN]
-(6/2/1976) Golden Road, Hurdles, Double Prices, Dice Game (premiere), Bonus Game, Race Game [GSN]
-(7/1976) Lucky 7, Safe Crackers, Grocery Game, Temptation, Give or Keep, Poker Game (WIN-TV) [GSN]
-(1976) Golden Road, Danger Price, Bonus Game, 3 Strikes, Grocery
Game, Double Prices [GSN]
-(1977) Give or Keep, Dice Game, Safe Crackers, Double Prices, Grocery Game, Card Game [GSN]
Dice Game, Secret X, Race Game, Card Game, Hurdles, Double Prices (Janice RUNS A CAR into the door during the showcase!) [GSN]
-(3/1980) Lucky 7, Take Two, Penny Ante, Most Expensive, Ten Chances, Trader Bob (Double Overbid) [GSN]
Vanna White is a contestant [GSN]
-(4/1/1981) Temptation, Danger Price, Cliffhangers,
Double Prices, Hit Me, Any Number [GSN]
Shell Game, Ten Chances, Squeeze Play, Danger Price, Money Game, Bullseye [OC]
-(10/10/1981) Lucky 7, Danger Price, Punch-A-Bunch, Most Expensive, Ten Chances, Bullseye [OC]
-(1/28/1982) Lucky 7,
Barker’s Bargain Bar, Check-Out (premiere), Race Game, Give or Keep, Any Number [GSN]
-(10/26/1982) Safe Crackers, Hole In One, Double Prices, Poker Game, Cliff Hangers, Money Game (Bill Cullen promotes
Child’s Play) [GSN]
-(1982) Clock Game, Temptation, Trader Bob, Squeeze Play, Penny Ante, It’s Optional (with the Bad Little Johnny
showcase, contestant wins showcase with $1 bid!) [GSN]
-(12/1982) Lucky 7, Safe Crackers, Punch-A-Bunch, Take Two, 3 Strikes, Bullseye (Christmas) [GSN]
-(1/3/1983) Any Number, Plinko (debut), Most Expensive, Poker Game, 3 Strikes, Pick-A-Pair
-(1983) Check Game, Double Prices, Hole in One, Danger Price, Bonus Game, 3 Strikes (Johnny makes an on-camera appearance,
Bob plugs Phone Home Game) [OC]
-(1983) Barker’s Bargain Bar, Hole in One, Blank Check (Check Game), Take Two, Punch-A-Bunch, Squeeze Play [GSN]
-(1/10/1985) Bump, Hit Me, Temptation, Safe Crackers, Cliff Hangers, Dice Game (Bob
Eubanks promotes his new version of Card Sharks and *cringes* Rich Jeffries announces) [OB]**
-(1985) Grocery Game, One Right Price, Deluxe Dice Game, Barker’s Bargain
Bar, Secret X, Money Game (Gene Wood announces and plays Santa, ep with Christmas wishes showcase) [OB]
-(1986) Superball, Deluxe Dice Game, Most Expensive, Any Number, Grand Game
(Bob Hilton announces) [OB]
-(1986) Card Game, Plinko (Play Along), Race Game, Squeeze Play, 3 Strikes, Pick-A-Pair (3000th show!)
-(9/8/1986) Safe Crackers, Any Number (Play Along), Grand Game,
Clock Game, Double Prices, Switcheroo (15th season premiere! Mark Goodson appears and reads a special poem, great VQ!) [OC]
Money Game, Check Out, Squeeze Play, Most Expensive, Shell Game, Ten Chances (Shell Game cheater, WIN-TV) [GSN]
-(2/12/1990) Golden Road, Clock Game, Grand Game, Safe Crackers, Dice Game, Give or Keep [OC]
-(2/20/1990) Lucky 7, Punch-A-Bunch, Barker's Bargain Bar (special half-hour episode) [OB]
-(9/9/1991) 3 Strikes, Swap Meet (debut), Grand Game, Barker's
Bargain Bar, Cliff Hangers, Double Prices (20th season premiere!, great VQ!) [OC]
Lucky 7, Cliff Hangers, Pick-A-Number (special half hour episode) [OB]
1/2 hour episode - Lucky 7, Plinko, 2 for the Price of 1 [OB]
-(1/5/1998) Safe Crackers, Spelling Bee, Eazy as 1-2-3, Magic #, Penny Ante, Cover Up
-(9/24/2001) Triple Play,
Plinko, Double Prices, Grand Game, Squeeze Play, Switch? (30th season premiere!) [OC]
-(6/26/2002) Eazy as 1-2-3 (with a man that knows his sofas), Check Game, Master Key,
Grand Game (contestant wins $1!), 2 for the Price of 1, One Away [OB-WGCL]
-(1/7/2004) Lucky 7, Clock Game, Plinko, One Wrong Price, Card Game,
Pick-A-Pair (Randy West announces) [WGCL/TPiR04-3]
Make Your Move, Hole in One, Take Two, Double Prices, That's Too Much, Cliffhangers (a contestant breaks her one-bid microphone,
Randy West announces) [WGCL/TPiR04-3]
5 Price Tags, Squeeze Play, Shopping Spree, Coming or Going, Check Out, Line 'Em Up (perfect show, Randy West announces) [WGCL//TPiR04-4]**
-(3/1/2004) 6,000th episode! Lucky 7, Any Number, It’s
In The Bag, Push Over, Dice Game, Range Game (yet another daytime record broken) [OB/TPiR04-1]
Lucky 7, Half-Off (debut), Switch?, Take Two, Let 'Em Roll, Coming or Going [OB-WGCL/TPiR04-1]
Shopping Spree, It's In The Bag, One Away, Squeeze Play, 5 Prixce Tags, Barker's Bargain Bar (5 pricing games lost) [OB-WGCL/TPiR04-1]
Make Your Move, Pathfinder, One Wrong Price, Pick-A-Number, Check Out, Money Game [OB-WGCL//TPiR04-2]
Most Expensive, Plinko, Cover Up, Double Prices, Ten Chances, Grocery Game [OB-WGCL/TPiR04-2]
Clock Game, Eazy as 1-2-3, On The Spot, Coming or Going, Dice Game, Now or Then (due to a post-production editing error, Rich's
introduction of Bob isn't heard on this episode) [OB-WGCL/TPiR04-3]
-(9/20/2004) Triple Play, Plinko, Most Expensive, Pick-A-Pair, Double Prices, Money Game
(33rd season premiere!) [OB-WGCL/TPiR04-4]
Clock Game, Half-Off, One Away, Dice Game, Grocery Game (Wednesday, Christmas Week) [OB-WGCL/TPiR04-4]
-(12/24/2004) 3 Strikes, Grand Game, Bonkers, Secret 'X', Cover Up (Christmas Eve, Double
Showcase Win) [OB-WGCL/TPiR05-1]
-(2/8/2005) Check Game, Switcheroo, Buy or Sell, Double Prices, Grocery Game, Any Number
-(2/18/2005) Lucky 7, Punch-A-Bunch, Double Prices, Now or Then, Barker’s
Markers, Money Game [OB-WGCL/TPiR05-1]
-(5/26/2005) Any Number, It’s In The Bag, 2 for the Price of 1, Double Prices, Cliffhangers,
One Away (perfect show) [WGCL/TPiR05-2]
-(9/19/2005) Golden Road, Half-Off, Push Over, Dice Game, Pick-A-Pair (34th season premiere!)
-(10/21/2005) Shopping Spree, Clock
Game, Let 'Em Roll, Plinko, Card Game, Barker's Bargain Bar (my friend Doug Roberts is in the audience!) [OB-WGCL/TPiR05-4]
-(11/18/2005) Coming or Going, Punch-A-Bunch, Line ‘Em Up, Pick-A-Pair, Shopping Spree, Safe Crackers
-(12/20/2005) Lucky 7, It’s In The Bag, Cliffhangers (close win), Clock Game, One Away, Coming
or Going [OB-WGCL]
-(1/20/2006) Credit Card, Punch-A-Bunch, Money
Game, One Right Price, That’s Too Much, Pick-A-Pair [OB-WGCL/TPiR06-1]
Eazy as 1-2-3, Balance Game (same title but played differently), Cover Up, Hit Me, Secret 'X', Dice Game (Rich gave Bob the
tie and cuff-links he wore that day) [OB-WGCL/TPiR06-1]
-(2/17/2006) Barker’s Bargain
Bar, It’s In the Bag, Card Game, Double Prices, Line ’Em Up, Cliffhangers (Tyra Banks guest models!) [OC]
-(5/30/2006) Flip Flop, It's In The Bag, Pathfinder, Clock Game, Any Number, Double Prices ($11,000
Showcase Showdown win on this ep!) [OB-WGCL/TPiR06-2]
-(6/12/2006) Push Over, Temptation, Clock Game, Side by Side, Cover Up, Hi-Lo (this episode was taped
on 6/27/2005, however it featured a trip to New Orleans as a prize, and as a result of Hurricane Katrina, the episode was
delayed. It features an announcement by a Louisiana politican before the show. Also on a happier note, Rich is shown in his
announcer booth.. he lets an audience member call down a contestant!) [OB-WGCL/TPiR06-2]
-(6/13/2006) Barker's Bargain Bar, Hole in One, Punch-A-Bunch, Bonkers, Money Game, One Right Price
-(6/27/2006) Spelling Bee (my friend Philip Cousin plays and WINS!), Push-Over, Switch?, Check-Out,
One Away, Range Game (season finale) [OB]
-(9/18/2006) Lucky 7, 3 Strikes,
Plinko, Pushover, Double Prices (35th season premiere, yet ANOTHER daytime record is set!) [OB-WGCL/TPiR06-3]
-(10/9/2006) Swap Meet,
Stack the Deck (debut), Race Game, Pocket Change, Cliffhangers, Side by Side [OB-WGCL/TPiR06-3]
-(11/6/2006) Credit Card,
Half-Off, Dice Game, Freeze Frame, Pass the Buck, Barker’s Bargain Bar [OB-WGCL/TPiR06-3]
-(11/7/2006) Safe Crackers,
Let ‘Em Roll, Squeeze Play, Take Two, One Away, Cliffhangers (double overbid) [OB-WGCL/TPiR06-4]
-(11/8/2006) Plinko, Pocket
Change, Swap Meet, Double Prices, Hi-Lo, Money Game [OB-WGCL/TPiR06-4]
-(11/9/2006) Eazy as 1-2-3,
Stack the Deck, Bonkers, Magic #, 5 Price Tags, Coming or Going (double overbid) [OB-WGCL/TPiR06-4]
-(11/10/2006) Clock Game,
3 Strikes, One Wrong Price, Range Game, Cover Up, Grocery Game [OB-WGCL/TPiR06-5]
-(11/13/2006) Danger Price,
Pathfinder, Check Game, One Right Price, Any Number, Now or Then (Kathy “Fingers” Greco’s birthday) [OB-WGCL/TPiR06-5]
-(11/14/2006) Clearance Sale,
Grand Game, Master Key, That’s Too Much, 2 for the Price of 1 [OB-WGCL/TPiR06-5]
-(11/15/2006) Spelling Bee,
Balance Game 2006, One Right Price, Pick-A-Pair, Barker’s Bargain Bar, Line ‘Em Up [OB-WGCL/TPiR06-6]
-(12/22/2006) Golden Road, Grand Game, Balance Game 2006, Barker's
Bargain Bar, That's Too Much, Secret X (Christmas show; Burton Richardson announces) [OB-WGCL/TPiR06-6]
-(2/16/2007) Flip
Flop, More or Less (debut), Half-Off, Check-Out, One Away, One Right Price [OB-WGCL/TPiR07-1]
-(4/4/2007) Lucky 7, Punch-A-Bunch, Squeeze Play, 2 for the Price of 1, Hole
in One, Coming or Going (my friend Greg Brobeck is in the audience!) [OB-WGCL/TPiR07-1]
-(5/17/2007) Spelling Bee, Safe Crackers,
Most Expensive, That’s Too Much, Grand Game, Side by Side [OB-WGCL/TPiR07-2]
-(5/18/2007) Make Your Move, Half-Off,
Any Number, Check Out, Money Game, Double Prices [OB-WGCL/TPIR07-2]
-(5/23/2007) Push Over, One Away, Barker’s Bargain Bar, Barker’s Markers,
Cover Up, Hi-Lo [OB-WGCL/TPiR07-3]
Most Expensive, Cliffhangers, Lucky 7, Bullseye, That’s Too Much, Credit Card (double overbid) [OB-WGCL/TPiR07-3]
-(6/15/2007) Lucky 7, Plinko, Range Game,
Double Prices, Grocery Game, Any Number (Bob’s final show) [OB-WGCL/TPiR07-3]
Million Dollar/Primetime Specials
(Bob Barker, 4 episodes)
-(4/9/2005) Half-Off, Lucky 7, Clock Game, Cover-Up, Grocery Game, Double Prices (Million
dollar special) [OB-WGCL/TPiR05-3]
-(2/14/2006) Triple Play, Plinko, Most Expensive, Double Prices, Grand Game, Range Game (Million dollar special) [OB-WGCL/TPiR06-1]
-(5/16/2007) Golden Road, It’s in the Bag, More
or Less, Cliffhangers, Lucky 7, Push Over (Bob's last million dollar special) [OB-WGCL/TPiR07-2]**
Triple Play, Half-Off, Plinko (Contains vintage TPIR and Truth or Consequences clips; Adam Sandler cameos, Bob's final nighttime
show) [OB-WGCL/TPiR07-3]
CBS Daytime
(Drew Carey, 60 episodes) -(10/15/2007)
Money Game, Safe Crackers, It's In The Bag, Eazy as 1-2-3, One Away, Barker's Bargain Bar (Drew's first aired episode, perfect
show!) [OB-WGCL/DTPiR-1] -(10/16/2007) Golden Road, Plinko, Clock Game, Double Prices, Any Number, Grocery Game [OB-WGCL/DTPiR-1] -(10/18/2007)
One Right Price, Temptation, Pick-A-Pair, Push Over, Half-Off [OB-WGCL/DTPiR-1] -(10/19/2007) Card Game, Punch-A-Bunch,
Squeeze Play, Switch?, Ten Chances, Hi-Lo [OB-WGCL/DTPiR-2] -(10/22/2007) Eazy as 1-2-3, Cliffhangers, One Away, Money
Game, Barker's Bargain Bar, It's In The Bag [OB-WGCL/DTPiR-2] -(10/23/2007) Card Game, Switch?, Shell Game, Squeeze Play,
Ten Chances, Hi-Lo (perfect show!) [OB-WGCL/DTPiR-2] -(10/24/2007) Any Number, Plinko, Double Prices, Grocery Game, Lucky
7, Clock Game [OB-WGCL/DTPiR-3] -(10/25/2007) Push Over, Half-Off, That's Too Much, One Right Price, Line 'Em Up, Pick-A-Pair
[OB-WGCL/DTPiR-3] -(10/26/2007) Range Game, Grand Game, 3 Strikes, Race Game, Dice Game, Safe Crackers [OB-WGCL/DTPiR-3] -(10/30/2007)
Switch?, Ten Chances, Punch-A-Bunch, Squeeze Play, Card Game, Hi-Lo [OB-WGCL/DTPiR-4] -(10/31/2007) Half-Off, That's Too
Much, Pick-A-Pair, Push Over, Line 'Em Up, One Right Price [OB-WGCL/DTPiR-4] -(11/1/2007) Clock Game, Any Number, Plinko,
Lucky 7, Grocery Game, Double Prices [OB-WGCL/DTPiR-4] -(11/5/2007) Make Your Move, Hole In One, Coming or Going, Barker's
Bargain Bar, Secret X, Dice Game [OB-WGCL/DTPiR-5] -(12/20/2007) Push Over, Plinko, Lucky 7, Race Game, Pick-A-Pair, Dice
Game (Christmas themed show) [OB-WGCL/DTPiR-5] -(2/13/2008) Clock Game, Range Game, Swap Meet, Check Out, Flip Flop, Lucky 7
[OB-WGCL/DTPiR-5] -(2/14/2008) Safe Crackers, Plinko, Pocket Change, Bullseye, Double Prices, Push Over [OB-WGCL/DTPiR-6] -(2/15/2008)
Clearance Sale, Pathfinder, Coming or Going, Side by Side, Pick-A-Pair, One Away [OB-WGCL/DTPiR-6] -(2/20/2008) Check Game,
Stack the Deck, Half-Off, Most Expensive, Squeeze Play, Magic # [OB-WGCL/DTPiR-6] -(2/21/2008) Lucky 7, Plinko, Make Your
Mark (Barker‘s Markers), Double Prices, Money Game, Grocery Game [OB-WGCL/DTPiR-7] -(7/4/2008) Swap Meet, Any Number,
Check Out, Money Game, Squeeze Play, 2 for the Price of 1 (4th of July show!) [OB-WGCL/DTPiR-10] -(7/7/2008) Shopping Spree,
Safe Crackers, Pathfinder, Squeeze Play, Grocery Game, Money Game [OB-WGCL/DTPiR-10] -(7/8/2008) Check Game, Switcheroo,
One Wrong Price, Coming or Going, That's Too Much, Hi-Lo [OB-WGCL/DTPiR-10] -(7/9/2008) One Right Price, Temptation, Bullseye,
Lucky 7, Punch-A-Bunch, Double Prices [OB-WGCL/DTPiR-11] -(7/10/2008) Flip Flop, Plinko, Stack the Deck, Eazy as 1-2-3,
Cover Up, Barker's Bargain Bar [OB- WGCL/DTPiR-11] -(7/14/2008) 5 Price Tags, It's In The Bag, Magic #, Coming or Going,
Cover Up, Double Prices [OB-WGCL/DTPiR-12] -(7/16/2008) One Right Price, Switcheroo, Take Two, Now or Then, Lucky 7, Balance
Game [OB-WGCL/DTPiR-12] -(7/17/2008) Push Over, Pathfinder, One Wrong Price, Check-Out, That's Too Much, Squeeze Play [OB-WGCL/DTPiR-12] after
this point, episodes are in widescreen format, unless noted: -(9/22/2008) Most Expensive, Plinko, Gas
Money (debut), Squeeze Play, Money Game, Pick-A-Pair (37th season premiere!) [OB-WGCL/DTPiR-13] -(9/23/2008) Push Over,
3 Strikes, Check Game, Dice Game, Grand Game, Switch? [OB-WGCL/DTPiR-13] -(9/24/2008) Lucky 7, It's In The Bag, Bonkers,
Barker's Bargain Bar, One Away, Double Prices [OB-WGCL/DTPiR-13] -(9/25/2008) Golden Road, Coming or Going, Half-Off, Balance
Game, Pass The Buck, Switch? [OB-WGCL/DTPiR-14] -(9/26/2008) Any Number, Safe Crackers, Make Your Move, Freeze Frame, Cover-Up,
Hi-Lo [OB-WGCL/DTPiR-14] -(9/30/2008) Shopping Spree, Grand Game, Spelling Bee, Flip Flop, Any Number, Coming or Going
[OB-WGCL/DTPiR-15] -(10/1/2008) Clock Game, It's In The Bag, 3 Strikes, Balance Game, Money Game, Double Prices [OB-WGCL/DTPiR-15] -(10/2/2008)
Switcheroo, Make Your Move, Side by Side, One Wrong Price, Pass The Buck, Pick-A-Number [OB-WGCL/DTPiR-15] -(10/3/2008)
Push Over, Hole in One, Danger Price, Squeeze Play, Cover Up, Double Prices [OB-WGCL/DTPiR-16] -(10/6/2008) Check Game,
Temptation, Coming or Going, Card Game, One Right Price, Grocery Game [OB-WGCL/DTPiR-16] -(10/7/2008) Triple Play, Flip
Flop, Eazy as 1-2-3, Double Prices, Lucky 7, Hi-Lo [OB-WGCL/DTPiR-17] -(10/14/2008) Most Expensive, It's In The Bag, Card
Game, Secret X, Cover Up, Barker's Bargain Bar [OB-WGCL/DTPiR-17] -(10/15/2008) Switch?, 3 Strikes, Cliffhangers, Squeeze
Play, Grocery Game, That's Too Much [OB-WGCL/DTPiR-17] -(10/16/2008) Half-Off, One Right Price, Let 'Em Roll, Coming or
Going, Money Game, 2 for the Price of 1 (the models can talk!) [OB-WGCL/DTPiR-17] -(10/17/2008) Lucky 7, Balance Game,
Step Up, Ten Chances, Magic #, Double Prices [OB-WGCL/DTPiR-17] -(10/20/2008) One Wrong Price, Money Game, Shell Game,
Coming or Going, Line 'Em Up, Pick-A-Pair (fried chicken!) [OB-WGCL/DTPiR-18] -(10/21/2008) Clock Game, Grand Game, Master
Key, Balance Game, One Away, One Right Price [OB-WGCL/DTPiR-18] -(10/31/2008) Push Over, Punch-A-Bunch, Credit Card, Double
Prices, Cover Up, Bullseye [OB-WGCL/DTPiR-18] -(11/3/2008) Lucky 7, Punch-A-Bunch, Switch?, More or Less, Grocery Game,
Coming or Going (Dorothy from 9/5/1972 is a contestant!) [OB-WGCL/DTPiR-18] -(12/4/2008) (purple wheel show) [OB-WGCL/DTPiR-18] -(12/5/2008)
Freeze Frame, One Away, Barker's Bargain Bar (possible last playing), Lucky 7, Plinko, Pick-A-Pair (purple wheel show) [OB-WGCL/DTPiR-19]
-(12/22/2008) Any
Number, Plinko, Freeze Frame, Pass the Buck, Eazy as 1-2-3, Pick-A-Number (Christmas season show, regular resolution) [OB-WGCL/DTPiR19]
-(12/23/2008) Punch-A-Bunch,
Lucky 7, Most Expensive, Hi-Lo, Cover-Up, Side by Side (Christmas season show, regular resolution) [OB-WGCL/DTPiR19]
-(12/24/2008) One
Away, Range Game, Switch?, Squeeze Play, It’s In The Bag, Dice Game (Christmas season show, regular resolution) [OB-WGCL/DTPiR19]
-(2/16/2009) Temptation, Switch?, Cliffhangers, That’s Too Much, Most Expensive, Hi-Lo (Drew models sunglasses!)
-(4/1/2009) Push Over, Gas Money, Grocery Game, Most Expensive, Cover Up, Freeze Frame (April Fool’s Show, with
Kathy Kinney modeling as Mimi! A MUST HAVE!) [OB-WGCL/DTPiR-20]
-(4/3/2009) Money Game, 2 for the Price of 1, Secret X, Stack the Deck, Range Game, One Wrong Price (Country Music show,
with an appearance by Reba McEntire) [OB-WGCL/DTPiR-20]
-(4/6/2009) Bonkers, Pass the Buck, One Right Price, Range Game, Cliff Hangers, Money Game [OB-WGCL/DPTiR-20]
-(4/7/2009) Grand Game, Most Expensive, Any Number, Check Game, One Away, Side by Side [OB-WGCL/DPTiR-20]
-(4/16/2009) Lucky Seven, Punch-A-Bunch, Squeeze Play, Plinko, One Right Price, Let ‘Em Roll (with an appearance
by Bob Barker) [OB-WGCL/DPTiR-21]
-(4/27/2009) 5 Price Tags, Pick A Number, Grocery Game, Freeze Frame, One Away, Swap Meet [OB-WGCL/DTPiR-21]
-(4/28/2009) 2 for the Price of 1, Hole in One (or Two?), Bonkers, Most Expensive, Cliff Hangers, Any Number [OB-WGCL/DTPiR-]
-(4/30/2009) One Wrong Price, Squeeze Play, Gas Money, Now or Then, Switch?, Master Key [OB-WGCL/DTPiR-21]
Million Dollar Spectacular (Drew
Carey) (8 episodes) -(2/22/2008) Lucky 7, Plinko, One Away, Clock Game, Push-Over, Grand Game (DOUBLE SHOWCASE
AND MILLION DOLLAR WIN!) [OB-WGCL/DTPiR-7] -(2/29/2008) Half-Off, Lucky 7, Plinko, One Away, Clock Game, Push-Over, Grand
Game, Double Prices [OB-WGCL/DTPiR-7] -(3/14/2008) Switch?, Half-Off, Hole in One (or Two?), One Wrong Price, That's Too
Much!, Double Prices [OB-WGCL/DTPiR-8] -(4/4/2008) Golden Road, Grand Game, Clock Game, Any Number, Plinko, Most Expensive
(MILLION DOLLAR WIN!) [OB-WGCL/DTPiR-8] -(4/30/2008) Switcheroo, Range Game, Pathfinder, That's Too Much, Grand Game, Barker's
Bargain Bar [OB-WGCL/DTPiR-8] -(5/7/2008) One Wrong Price, Plinko, Pocket Change, Push-Over, Any Number, Pick-A-Pair [OB-WGCL/DTPiR-9] -(5/14/2008)
Golden Road, Punch-A-Bunch, Cliffhangers, Lucky 7, Grocery Game, Squeeze Play [OB-WGCL/DTPiR-9] -(5/21/2008) Half-Off,
3 Strikes, Range Game, Cover-Up, Grand Game, Double Prices [OB-WGCL/DTPiR-9]
-(9/21/2009) Lucky 7, Plinko, Push Over, That’s Too Much, Easy as 1-2-3, One Right Price [OB-WGCL]
-(11/30/2009) Punch-A-Bunch, Flip Flop, Lucky 7, Shopping Spree, Stack the Deck, Freeze Frame [OB–WGCL]
-(12/1/2009) Card Game, Push Over, Shell Game, Switch?, Pass the Buck, Bonkers [OB-WGCL]
-(12/3/2009) Money Game, Race Game, Squeeze Play, One Away, Most Expensive, Pick-A-Pair [OB-WGCL]
-(12/7/2009) Half-Off, Clock Game, Range Game, Make Your Move, Pocket Change, Coming or Going [OB-WGCL]
-(12/22/2009) Temptation, Range Game, Switch?, Secret X, More or Less, Push Over [OB-WGCL]
-(12/23/2009) Double Prices, One Away, Now or Then, Most Expensive, Plinko, That’s Too Much [OB-WGCL]
-(12/24/2009) 3 Strikes, One Right Price, Cliffhangers, Freeze Frame, Pass The Buck, Pick-A-Number [OB-WGCL]
-(9/21/2010) Pay the Rent (debut), Lucky 7, Push Over, Most Expensive, Money Game, Squeeze Play (J.D. Roberto
announces, 39th season premiere!) [OB-WGCL]
-(9/22/2010) Temptation, Flip Flop, Cliffhangers, Double Prices, Eazy as 1-2-3, Stack the Deck (J.D. Roberto
announces) [OB-WGCL]
1972-80; Syndie Nighttime
(Dennis James, 4 episodes; 1 pitchfilm)
-(1972) Sales Presentation Film with Mark Goodson and Dennis James (with a clip of Let's Make
A Deal hosted by Dennis James) [SM]
-(12/1974) DAYTIME episode! - Grocery Game, Any Number, Most Expensive (Dennis James "pinch-hitting"
for Bob Barker; Johnny plays Santa) [GSN]
-(1975) One Right Price, Any Number, Grocery Game (double overbid, season premiere, w/slate)
[SM] -(1975) 5 Price Tags, Race Game (lever breaks), Range Game [SM] -(1977) Money Game, Grocery Game, Clock Game (Grocery
Game is lost by one cent!) [SM]
(Bob Barker) (1 episode)
-(1980) Money Game, Cliffhangers, One Right Price (last episode, w/slate) [SM]
1984-85; Syndie Nighttime
(Tom Kennedy, 12 episodes)
-(1985) Lucky 7, Grocery
Game, Danger Price (premiere, Tom gets a standing ovation) [GSN]
-(1985) Punch-A-Bunch,
Money Game, Most Expensive [GSN]
-(1985) Switcheroo (first
ever perfect score on the first try!!), Danger Price, Range Game [GSN]
-(1985) Safe Crackers, Switcheroo,
One Right Price (perfect show) [OB]
-(1985) Plinko, Race Game,
Double Prices [GSN]
-(recorded 4/1985) Shell Game, One Away, Double Prices [GSN]
-(recorded 5/1985) 3 Strikes, Clock Game, Grand Game (Rod Roddy announces the fee plugs) [GSN]
-(recorded 8/1985) Lucky 7, Clock Game, Secret X (Rod Roddy announces the fee plugs) [GSN]
-(recorded 8/1985) Lucky 7, Pick-A-Pair, Clock Game (Bob Hilton announces the fee plugs) [GSN]
-(recorded 10/1985) Cliffhangers, Squeeze Play, Race Game [GSN]
-(recorded 10/1985) Punch-A-Bunch, 3 Strikes, Most Expensive (Gene Wood announces) [GSN]
-(1986) Lucky 7, Race
Game, Grand Game (Gene Wood announces) [GSN]
Syndie Nighttime
(Doug Davidson, 1 episode) -(1994)
Premiere episode - Money Game, Race Game, Magic # [OB]